Future Shock (Reflection)

Our world is changing as time passes. People’s lives before were plain and simple. Because of the basic technology they had before, they depended most on their manpower. Machines were invented. Different types of gadgets were discovered. Whenever modern people will look back into the past, they always wonder how people before were able to cope up without technology. In contrary, whenever old people who were born on the 19th century look at how people were living nowadays, they would always sigh and say “life is better in my generation”. As a matter of fact, old people nowadays who are born in a non-computer generation find the ways of living nowadays a little bit more complicated than before.
Future Shock is a book that talks about how humans, whether young or old, cope up with what happens in the future. In dealing and understanding the future, we need to always look back to the past. In this way, we would be able to reflect the changes that is happening. Whenever I picture out in my brain the image of the past, its color would always be either grey, brown, or black and white. In contrary, whenever I picture out the image of the future, it would always be surrounded with bright colors. Probably because I believe that the world is going to have a bright future. A bright future that would shock every human being. Today’s generation depend mostly on machines in dealing with household chores. Factories nowadays use machines to produce products. Gadgets are one of the most amazing inventions contributed by technology. Before, writing and sending letters written on a paper was the most common means of communicating. Until such time that cellular phones were discovered. The first discovered cellular phone can only be used in calling and texting. As time passed, it upgraded until such time that phones can be used as a camera, radio, TV, and even internet. Before, people kept imagining how nice it would have been if we will be able to talk face to face with someone by using cellphone. Through that imagination, android phones were invented. Face to face video call was discovered and it made humans astonished big time.

Aside from cellular phones, there are still a lot of inventions discovered by humans which shocked everyone of us. Inventions which normal human minds could not imagine being created. Our world is big. There are a lot of people in this world. People who are imaginative enough to innovate things that will brighten the future in this planet we are living. As humans who live in a world which is currently on the process of innovating a lot of things, we need to be prepared for what the future would give us. We need to prepare ourselves for a lot of technology advances in the future that might possibly change our way of living. Future shock is a normal reaction for us humans who are seeing big changes and advancement. I believe as a person who is included to those people who sometimes feels this feeling that we call “future shock” , I need to adapt the advancement that this planet offers to us. In that way, it will not be too hard to live in this innovating world.

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