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One Thousand and One Nights (REACTION PAPER)

                One thousand and One Nights is a frame narrative. It is a compilation of different stories from different authors originating from different countries in Middle East Asia. It was a wise decision to make a single story which contains many different stories or should we say almost all stories in Middle East. In that way, whenever readers will read One Thousand and One Nights, they will also be able to read different stories from different authors and different countries. It is a total package of famous and must be known and must be read stories.                I have only read the summary of the tale but not the entire book. And because of the summary that I have read, I have become more interested to read the whole tale. According to my research, it is a story that contains almost all genres. The tales include historical tales, love stories, tragedies, comedies, poems, burlesques, and erotica. The main frame story itself has an awesome concept. It is about a princ

Evaluation of Technology Learning

• Today, students are e xpected to be not only cognitive, but also flexible, analytical and creative. In this lesson, there are methods proposed for the use of computer-based technologies as an integral support to higher thinking skills and creativity. • The standard student evaluation of learning must change. This is justified by the fact that not only has the new generation changed into  digital learners, but the traditional world has metamorphosed into a digital world. As efforts are exerted to go digital in instruction, we need also go digital in learning assesment . • Assessment needs to conform, not with the literacy of the past century but the new literacy of the 21 st century. This is a literacy that uses digital tools in preparing students to face a high-tech world. The comparison is made with the Swiss watch lost its prime position in less than 2 years of neglect to the need to go digital. • Teachers must adopt a new mindset both for instruction and evalu

Future Shock (Reflection)

Our world is changing as time passes. People’s lives before were plain and simple. Because of the basic technology they had before, they depended most on their manpower. Machines were invented. Different types of gadgets were discovered. Whenever modern people will look back into the past, they always wonder how people before were able to cope up without technology. In contrary, whenever old people who were born on the 19th century look at how people were living nowadays, they would always sigh and say “life is better in my generation”. As a matter of fact, old people nowadays who are born in a non-computer generation find the ways of living nowadays a little bit more complicated than before. Future Shock is a book that talks about how humans, whether young or old, cope up with what happens in the future. In dealing and understanding the future, we need to always look back to the past. In this way, we would be able to reflect the changes that is happening. Whenever I picture out